





QIPGraphÓ : C++ and Excel Interface for gnuplot



Examples. 1

Arrows. 2

Lines. 2

Axes. 2

Axes with arrows. 3

Axe time. 3

Two y axes. 4

Axes label 5

Label 5

Legend. 6

Margin. 6

Multiplot 1. 7

Multiplot 2: insert 7

3D plot 8

Candelstick. 9

Steps. 9

Error bars. 10

Bar chart / histogram 1. 10

Bar chart / histogram 2. 10

Fit 11

Smooth. 11

Cumulative. 12

Rectangles, circles, and background. 12

Parametric. 13

Styles. 13

Plot and command window.. 13

Plot window.. 14

Terminals. 14

Strings manipulations. 15

Scripts and Macros. 15

Save / load. 16

Write to file. 16

More complicated examples. 16

Online ressources. 18

Documentations. 18

Books. 19

FAQ/Questions. 19

Links. 19

Google. 19



“Clean examples”. I tried to be as simple as possible to understand the main features.

One of the most useful shortcut is to press space to set the focus of the command window from the plot window


#      number    from-to            head type                       style  

set arrow 1 from 5,-0.5 to -5,0.5 head filled size screen 0.03,15 linewidth 1 linetype rgb "black"

# set arrow 1 to 1,1  # change head

p 0                                           



#                 from-to            type               color  

set arrow 2 from graph 0, first 0.5 to graph 1, first 0.5 nohead linewidth 1 linetype rgb "cyan"  # horizontal

set arrow 3 from 5,-1 to 5,1 nohead linewidth 1 linetype rgb "blue"                               # vertical

set arrow 4 from graph 0,0.5 to graph 1,0 nohead                                                  # from graph coordinates

p 0                                           


set xtic 2                                    # every 2

set ytics 0,0.5                               # from 0, every 0.5

set ytics nomirror                            # do not show tics at the right

set xtics add("x1" 3)                         # add one tic “x1” at 3

set format x "%.2f"                           # 2 decimals for x

set format y "%1.0e"                          # exp format for y

set mxtics 2                                  # minor x tics frequency = 2

p [0:2*pi] sin(x) t "sin"

# set xtics   ("NE" 72.0, "S" 42.0, "Downtown" 12.0, "Suburbs" 122.0)   # define xtics on axe x

# set format x ""                             # no number for x axis

set zeroaxis                     # plot axis , xzeroaxis, yzeroaxis

Axes with arrows

set border 3                       # border left + bottom

set tics nomirror                  # no tics on right and top


set arrow 1 from graph 1,0 to graph 1.09,0 size screen 0.02,15,60 filled  # axe x + type arrow

set arrow 2 from graph 0,1 to graph 0,1.09 size screen 0.02,15,60 filled  # axe y + type arrow               


set tmargin at screen 0.90         # otherwise margin calculated automatically

set rmargin at screen 0.90         #               and not sure to see arrows


p cos(x)

Axe time

set xdata time                                           # set axis time format 

set format x "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S"                         # display

set xtics 5*24*60*60 rotate by -60 in                    # frequency in seconds: 5 days, rotate -60 degres, inside tics

set xrange ["01/06/2003":"21/06/2003"]                   # time does not see to work

p cos(x)                                                 # time = seconds from 01 january 2000


Two y axes

set ytics nomirror                            # not same tics left and right

set ytics -1, 0.5 textcolor rgb "red"         # left  tics from -1 with 0.5 interval

set y2tics 0, 0.2 textcolor rgb "green"       # right tics from  0 with 0.2 interval

set y2range[0:1]                              # right axis range

p [0:2*pi] sin(x) lt rgb "red" axis x1y1,sin(x)**2 lt rgb "green"  axis x1y2 # plot and choose color of figures


Axes label

set xlabel "x label" offset graph 0.4,0.05           # standard: center, move to the right

set ylabel "y label" rotate by 90 offset graph 0,0.4 # standard center, move to the top

set ytics 0.5                                        # 0.5 interval

p cos(x)


set label 1 "label 1" at 0,0 left                            # label from

set label 2 "label 1" at 0,-0.2 right textcolor rgb "red"    # label to

set arrow 2 from first 0, graph 0 to first 0, graph 1 nohead # to see the diff

set label "S" at graph 0.3,0.8 center font "Symbol,24"       # sigma "Time-Roman,12"  





set key off                                                   # no legend

set key 4,0.6 left                                            # legend from (4,0.6)

p [0:2*pi] sin(x) t sprintf("sin%d",3),cos(x) notitle         # using C format, no title for second function

You can choose to put the legend outside:

set key below                                                   # below the figure

set key above                                                   # above the figure

set key outside right                                           # outside right bottom

set key box lt rgb "black" lw 1                                 # box around legend

# set key spacing 0.7                                           # reduce spacing between legend, but pb with box

p [0:2*pi] sin(x) t “sin”,cos(x)

set key invert                                                  # invert order of legend = same if invert order of plot


set bmargin 5                # bottom, can be “l”, “r” or “t”, useful to align multiplots

p [0:2*pi] sin(x) t "sin"   

Multiplot 1

set multiplot layout 2,1 # two rows, 1 col

set lmargin 6            # to aligne the two figures

p x**2

set lmargin 6            # to aligne the two figures

p x**3

unset multiplot          # stop multiplot mode, otherwise plot new curves on the top

Multiplot 2: insert

set multiplot               # enter multiplot mode

p x**4

set rmargin at screen 0.70  # right margin at 0.7 in the screen

set lmargin at screen 0.30  # left margin at 0.3

set bmargin at screen 0.40  # bottom margin at 0.4

set tmargin at screen 0.80  # top margin at 0.8

p x**2                      # plot insert




3D plot

set ticslevel 0.                   # z start at 0, (default=0.5)

set isosample 40,40                # more accurate surface (default 10)

set hidden3d                       # do not show hidden surface

set pm3d at s                      # s = normal, b = surface

set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10   # change color

set border 4095                    # to see all borders until the top

# set grid z                       # if you need grid for z

sp [0:2*pi] [0:2*pi] sin(x)*cos(y)


set pm3d map                       # map 3d to 2d

set pm3d s                         # go back to normal surface

set view                           # 2d to 3d

sp [0:2*pi] [0:2*pi] sin(x)*cos(y) # get the first figure in 3d






Error bars

set key left                                                         # legend at the left of the graph

set xrange [0:6]                                  

p 'data1.dat' u 1:2:($2/10) w e t "abs error"\                      

 ,'data1.dat' u ($1-0.5):2:($2*9/10):($2*14/10) w e t "ylow-yhigh"   # x:y:y_low:y_up


Bar chart / histogram 1

set boxwidth 0.9 relative                # size relative to the default

set style data histograms                # bar

set style fill solid 1.0 border -1       # with border , see help border for options

p 'data1.dat' u 2,'' u 3                 # show 2 bars for each row



Bar chart / histogram 2

p 'data1.dat' u 1:2:($2*0+0.8) w boxes notitle    # last column = size of the boxes = 0.8




f(x) = a*x + b                          # function to fit

fit  [1:6] f(x) 'data1.dat' via a,b     # fit in the range [1,6] only

p 'data1.dat',f(x)                       



p 'data1.dat'\

   ,'' u 1:2:(1.0) w lp smooth csplines t "cspline"\

   ,'' u 1:2:(1.0) w lp smooth acsplines t "acspline"   # (1.0) = weight



# Useful to plot the cumulative of  a serie of random results from probability distribution

# data2.dat

# 1   1

# 3   1

# 2   1

# 3.1 1

# …

p 'data2.dat' ,'' u 1:(1/13):(1.0) w lp smooth cumulative t "cumulative"  # 13 datas, (1.0) = weight


Rectangles, circles, and background

# background with rectangle

set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fc rgb "green"      #  full screen rectangle, behind all other

set object 2 rectangle from graph  0,0 to graph 1, 1 back   fc rgb "cyan" fillstyle solid 1.0  # graph background

set object 3 rect from 0,0 to 2,0.5 fs empty border rgb "blue"                  # small rectangle, empty, border blue

set object 4 circle at -3*pi/2,0. size 1  fs transparent border rgb "black"

p cos(x)


set size ratio 1                 # size screen x = size screen y

set parametric                   # enter parametric : variable t

set trange [-pi:pi]              # set range for parametric

set xrange [-1:1]                # range for x

set yrange [-1:1]                # range for x


fx(t,r,c) = r*cos(t/c)           # function -> x, r = radius, c = to vary parametric range

fy(t,r,c) = r*sin(t/c)           # function -> y, r = radius, c = to vary parametric range


plot fx(t,1,1),fy(t,1,1) t "1",fx(t,0.5,3),fy(t,0.5,3) t "2"  # 2nd from –pi/3 to pi/3, radius = 0.5



p cos(x)  w l t "import" lc rgb "green" lw 3 # width =3, color = “green”

set style line 1 lc rgb "blue" lw 3

p cos(x)  w l t "import" lc rgb "green" lw 3, sin(0.3*x+0.5) w l ls 1

Plot and command window

p cos(x)                         # plot cos(x)

plot 'file.dat' e 10             # plot only 1/10 of the points: e=every

p 'data1.dat' u 1:2,'' u 1:3     # '' = same file

set sample 10                    # x interval by 10 for function f(x), decrease for more accurate

set label "test" at first 0,0.5  # can be first, second, graph, screen, or character


clear                            # clear figure

reset                            # reset to default the set

replot                           # redo last command plot, reread data

refresh                          # redo last command with memory, do nor=t read again data


pause 2                          # pause 2 s


Plot window

# Shortcuts:

# space = from plot window to command line

# g : toggle grid

# wheel           : translate y

# shift+wheel     : translate x

# ctrl+wheel      : zoom

# ctrl+shift+wheel: zoom x


bind c 'print "great"'           # shortcut: print “great” when hitting c in plot windows     

pause mouse "Click"              # pause until click on window plot

lower 0                          # lower window 0

raise 0                          # raise window 0 to the top of the windows

test                             # show possibilities of the terminal


# Mouse

print MOUSE_X

print MOUSE_Y

print MOUSE_X2

print MOUSE_Y2







pause mouse keypress                   # pause until key is pressed
print "Keystroke ", MOUSE_KEY, " at ", MOUSE_X, " ", MOUSE_Y


# min max values for the graph







# eps -> latex

set term postscript eps enhance

set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font 'Helvetica,10'

# set terminal epslatex size 8.89cm,6.65cm color colortext 

# http://www.gnuplotting.org/introduction/output-terminals/

# http://www.gnuplot.info/docs/tutorial.pdf

set output "test.eps"


# pdf

set term pdf

set output "test.pdf"


# png

set term pngcairo

set terminal pngcairo size 350,262 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'

set output "fig.png"


#wxt : default windows

set term wxt

set term wxt 0 size 300,200  # window number 0, size (height*width=) 300*200

set output


# to save and restore previous term

set term push       # remembers the current terminal including its settings

set term pop        # restores it

Strings manipulations

print "A"."B"                                   # "AB"

graph(n) = sprintf("Title for plot #%d",n)      # function with C format

p cos(x) title graph(4)                         # plot with “title for plot #4”



Scripts and Macros

#Write the last two mouse click positions using a bind to key

bind 5 load 'mouse_keep_1.gnu'            # when pressing ‘5’ in plot window, load macro in the file

and the macro file “mouse_keep_1.gnu” is below. Each time the program is loaded, it will

1.      push the last position of  the mouse (mouse_x_b,mouse_y_b) to (mouse_x_a,mouse_y_a)

2.      push the last click position into (mouse_x_b,mouse_y_b)

3.      print the result on the screen

4.      same for second axes if they exist.

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) if(defined(mouse_x_b)) mouse_x_a=mouse_x_b;else mouse_x_a=0;

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) mouse_x_b = MOUSE_X;

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) if(defined(mouse_y_b)) mouse_y_a=mouse_y_b;else mouse_y_a=0;

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) mouse_y_b = MOUSE_Y

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) print "(",mouse_x_a,mouse_y_a,")"

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) print "(",mouse_x_b,mouse_y_b,")"

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) print "(",mouse_x_a,mouse_y_a,")"

if(defined(MOUSE_X)) print "(",mouse_x_b,mouse_y_b,")"

if(defined(MOUSE_X)==0)  print "MOUSE_X not defined, please click on the graph";

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) if(defined(mouse_x2_b)) mouse_x2_a=mouse_x2_b;else mouse_x2_a=0;

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) mouse_x2_b = MOUSE_X2;

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) if(defined(mouse_y2_b)) mouse_y2_a=mouse_y2_b;else mouse_y2_a=0;

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) mouse_y2_b = MOUSE_Y2

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) print "(",mouse_x2_a,mouse_y2_a,")"

if(defined(MOUSE_X2)) print "(",mouse_x2_b,mouse_y2_b,")"

With this you can load another macro to plot an arrow between the last two mouse positions:

set arrow from mouse_x_a,mouse_y_a to mouse_y_b,mouse_y_b

you could use a more direct way using the mouse event with some if/else conditions:

pause mouse "Click"              # pause until click on window plot

Save / load

save 'work.gnu'                  # save current session

load 'work.gnu'                  # load session

Write to file

command=sprintf("echo %f > toto.txt",MOUSE_X) # define “echo ‘MOUSE_X’ > toto.txt” 

system command                                # execute command, here write MOUSE_X in “toto.txt”

print GPVAL_PWD                               # current directory

More complicated examples

You can do « almost » anything with gnuplot.



Heat map


Online ressources





Gnuplot in Action






QIPGraphÓ : C++ and Excel Interface for gnuplot







gnuplot on google


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