The Fast Linear Algorithm
for O(1) Phi^4 spin model
Probabilities and Performances :

The Fast Linear Algorithm is the fastest of all algorithms proposed. Indeed we can show generally that another algorithm cannot be faster (see article).
  • Figure: The probability P(x) and the test function f(x) for various algorithms.
    • FLA=Fast Linear Algorithm
    • Med = Metropolis restricted to an interval d
  • Figure: comparison of the time of simulation for various algorithms for the stacked triangular antiferromagnetic lattices.
    The critical temperature is shown by the squares
    • FLA=Fast Linear Algorithm
    • Med = Metropolis restricted to an interval d
  • Figure: comparison of the rate of simulation for various algorithms for the stacked triangular antiferromagnetic lattices.
    The critical temperature is shown by the squares
    • FLA=Fast Linear Algorithm
    • Med = Metropolis restricted to an interval d